Why traditions? Why not? Summer often means family reunions and travel, favorite places to visit, favorite things to do when the children are home from school, favorite summer foods and camping spots. In our family summer is the season of birthdays and celebrations and the 4th of July is especially full of traditions such as eating baked beans, having a huge family picnic and staying out until 1 am to watch the fireworks. From Mother's Day until mid-July it's one big party.
But this doesn't have to be about family traditions, it can be about any aspect of the topic. Use your creativity and writing prowess and wow me.
So once again, here are the rules:
1. Write a post or find one in your archives about traditions . Email your post's permalink to me at: scribbit at gmail.com before Sunday June 17th (that means the deadline is midnight on Saturday June 16th). If you fail to meet the June 16th deadline I will still gladly publish the link to your post and include it in the list of entries but it will not be judged. I reserve the right to reject submissions if they fail to meet the topic or if they contain objectionable content.
2. Publish a link to the contest page here at Scribbit in either your entry post or in a separate post.
3. Check back here on Tuesday June 19th when I will post a complete list of the entries along with the Write-Away Winner.
Laura Gallagher from The Lazy Organizer will be this month's guest judge. Laura is a Power Mom who has wonderful ideas and tips for making life easier and she'll be the perfect judge for this month's round. As always, our judge will be judging blindly and will see only the text of each entry--she will know neither the entrants' names or blogs.
The prize you'll be writing for is a rather --ahem--"traditional" Alaskan gift. The one, the only Moose Pooper Candy Dispenser. It's classy, it's chic, it's something you'll find only in the state where duct tape is king. Are you listening Jeana? Chili? Why am I using this as the prize? Mostly because I know my readers are a sophisticated group that will appreciate the hand-crafted beauty of the rich wooden finish as well as the M&Ms being . . . um . . . dispensed whenever one lifts the beast's tail. I'm even throwing in a package of M&Ms for your immediate candy dispensing gratification.
But besides this the winner and all runners-up or honorable mentions will also get to take home this attractive and very traditional--looking Write-Away Winner button which he or she may traditional display in their sidebar if they wish.

Technorati tags: Write-Away Contest, summer, blogging, writing
The suspense of tomorrow is killing me. :)I've been looking forward to this month's contest.
Great topic! We enjoy our summers immensely. :)
Don't think I'll be participating, but with reference to 'traditions' we nip home for a fortnight every summer [to England] but return in early July. We always have the devils own job trying to explain why we MUST be back for 4th July!
Wonderful topic for the contest, Michelle! Whether I enter or not, I'll link to it tomorrow!
I am not sure if this is where I post my link or not.
So I will. :0)
My entry for TRADITION
A moose that poops M&Ms?
Sheer genius.
If you haven't checked out Infadel, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, you should. And yes, I know that has nothing to do with this particular post. I'll work on relevancy next time :)
What a great topic! I look forward to reading the entries. I'm sure I'll enter, too -- my family has traditions all our own.
I love the Moose. I don't have one of my own, but I gave my father-in-law an M&M pooping Moose for Christmas two years ago. It just seemed to fit.
Traditions is a great topic. I look forward to reading the entries when they come out.
I have a pooper DUCK (oregon, you know) and he'd love to have a buddy pooping MOOSE! My post is up for the contest, so come say hi if you get time. :D
What a coincidence. Just recently, Girlie Girl has been asking about family traditions. She must have seen it on television somewhere.
I haven't thought of a post for traditions but I love the pooping moose. We had one that was a favorite at a family reunion down in the lower 48. We used that moose up until it wouldn't poop no more.
LOL, the prize sounds FABULOUS.
The comp theme has got me thinking though...mmmmm?????
I want a moose pooper candy dispenser! I always forget to enter your contests....
This sounds like fun! Gonna have to get creative though since we still have a young family and are creating our own traditions as we go.
We love M&Ms around here so we're keeping our eyes on the prize!
BTW, I'm sharing your contest on my Monday Morning Munchies post if you'd like to check out the link-love I've created!
singing table graces
I am sneaking in just under the wire here with an entry. Here is the link: http://bitterball.blogspot.com/2007/06/where-have-traditions-gone.html
I love this months topic. My grandmother recently wrote about her childhood and I thought I'd post her story on her behalf. It is particularly dear to me because my children and I now volunteer as living history volunteers and protray an 1880s homestead family. In our role, we undertake many of the tasks my grandmother writes about.
M&Ms just don't taste right unless they have been pooped from a wooden moose.
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