I don't care how you pronounce it, these are my VERY favorite flowers. Each year I want to plant more bushes--sometime in the near future our house will be buried behind a hedge of peonies. They do well in Alaska where the summer's heat can't wilt them (like I noticed happening in North Dakota) and you might catch me staring out my front window at their buds peeking up over the windowsill.
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Wordless Wednesday, gardening, peonies, flowers, Alaska
I love Peonnies as well, but I can't seem to get them to grow!!
Ours is up as well if you want to stop by...
wow, that IS beautiful!!Love the color!!
Just beee-U-tiful! :-)
Happy WW!
Isabelle aka Tricotine
Some of my favorites as well. We have quite a few at my house :-)
Oh, they're my fav's too. Love them.
Those bring back some beautiful, fragrant memories.
Such a beautiful flower, so full and rich.
Happy WW!
Don't you just love peonies!
Between those and hydrangeas...
Unfortunately, here in VA I only get peonies until May and then it's just a green bush.
My grandma always called those her cabbage roses. She and I both loved to pick a bouquet to bring inside. They are so beautiful, and I love the smell. It always takes me back to her house.
In Chinese superstition, peonies is a treasured flower for maidens. If a Chinese maiden wishes to find a good husband, she will have peonies in her room. Just an info! Hehe.
They're BEAUTIFUL!! Happy WW!
I don't know this flower and have never seen one ! But it's beautiful.
I *love* them, too! Do you buy them locally or order them from a catalogue? Can your recommend somewhere?
Ooh I love Peonies. How are you supposed to pronounce that anyway?
You know Judith Wilmarth (aka 'The Peony Lady') over on DeArmoun, riiiight?
I love peonies. I transplanted some from my great aunt at our first house. I have been tempted to sneak back in the night and divide a bit off for me (sentimental reasons).
I do have my own peony here, too bad they only stick around until the first week of June.
I love them too, but I have a black thumb and keep killing them. I'll just have to enjoy yours. Beautiful photo. I like your finger puppets above too.
My absolute favorites too!
Beautiful. I wanna smell them. :)
Happy WW. Have a great day.
Val- don't know her but the name is intriguing. You'd think I'd have noticed somebody with tons of peonies in their yard so close to where we live.
My Grandma has her Mom's peonies in her yard. I plan to get some of them and plant them by our woods. I love them so much, but they make me sneeze something terrible! :o)
Peonies are so old-fashioned and charming. I can understand why you like them so much. They are comfortable to be around.
Parks sent me an email with pics of these beauties. One that I looked at said it was heat tolerant, and would grow in just about any soil. I just wonder if that applies to North Texas, 'cause I'd really love to grow some.
Your peonies are beautiful. They are oneof my favorites too.
I sure love mine, but they've been and gone already...
I echo Jenn in Holland. GORGEOUS.
So pretty!!!!
You and my sister are both, like, addicted to these peony bushes.
I love peonies because they remind me of my grandparents. I asked for some on Freecycle about 2 years ago and had a generous member give me several transplant. There have been few blooms so far, but I'm looking forward to having peonies like my grandparents had.
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