Sunday, July 15, 2007

Perfect Vanilla Ice Cream for National Ice Cream Day

Vanilla Ice Cream for National Ice Cream DayWord is, today is National Ice Cream Day thanks to our good former President Ronald Reagan. You know what that means don't you? Today all calories consumed in ice cream form are null and void. Yes, eat as much as you want it doesn't count a lick.

A couple years ago I received a Cuisinart ice cream maker for my birthday and set out on a voyage of discovery to find the perfect ice cream recipe--so many homemade ice creams are hard and chunky and lacking the smooth creamy texture of commercially produced varieties.

Cuisinart Ice Cream MakerWell two months and 123 pounds later I was successful and found this, the Holy Grail for ice cream lovers--my humble offering in celebration of the day. It has a kiss of cinnamon and if you're really up for something good, drizzle honey and caramel on top then sprinkle with macadamia nuts to recreate my favorite Cold Stone creation. My absolute favorite.

1 1/3 cups sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 cups half and half
2 egg yolks
1 5.33-ounce can of evaporated milk
1 cup whipping cream
1 vanilla bean
1 cinnamon stick

In a saucepan combine the sugar, cornstarch and salt. Stir in the whole milk while over a medium heat until the mixture begins to simmer. Add the vanilla bean and cinnamon stick then simmer 1 minute over a low heat and set it aside. Ina small bowl lightly beat the egg yolks then stir 1 cup of the milk mixture into the egg yolks; stir the egg yolks mixture back into the remaining milk mixture and heat--stirring constantly--until slightly thickened. Stir in evaporated milks and cream then take out the cinnamon stick and vanilla bean. Slice open the softened vanilla bean and scrape out the seeds into the mix, stirring to combine. Chill the custard overnight then process in an ice cream maker according to your appliance's directions. Makes 2 quarts.

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Robin said...


I'm wishing I still had some of the peach pie I took to a bbq yesterday, because I bet this would have been the perfect accompaniment.

la bellina mammina said...

Yummy! It's so hot I could use an ice cream right now!

Deb said...

Oh good. I was looking for a reason to have 2 servings today. I'll have to see if I still have my ice cream maker around.

Maude Lynn said...

National Ice Cream Day? Now, that's my kind of holiday!

Blog said...

Well, if it's National ice cream day, I MUST HAVE ICE CREAM, mustn't I! Thanks for the heads up!

Jthemilker said...

Oh WOW! And today is Sunday so this is perfect! (I only let myself eat ice cream on Sundays) YIPPIE!!!!

soccer mom in denial said...

Who knew when we took our kids to Friendly's for lunch today it was National Ice Cream Day!

We just got back from a weekend excursion so I'm catching up.

Betty Jo said...

Oh Goody! We'll be having a bowl tonight then. My very favorite ice-cream is vanilla. I would adore your version. I don't have an ice-cream maker but think I'm asking for one my next birthday. Your blog is lovely!!

odat_kim said...

Is whole milk equal to the 3 cups half and half? In Canada half and half is coffee cream with 10% milk fat, whole milk (or homogenized) is 3%. Just want to make sure I make it correctly :)

Scribbit said...

Oh I should have explained that, half and half is half cream half whole milk.

An Ordinary Mom said...

Cold Stone is a family favorite in this house!

Sandy said...!

I don't care if I am on a diet -- that looks irresistible!

Anonymous said...

123 pounds later. hee hee. My husband and I are still laughing about that.

Anonymous said...


My sister received the same ice cream maker for a wedding gift. I ahem... "borrowed" it and have been enjoying homemade icecream more often than I feel comfortable admiting in public.

Your recipe sounds fantastic!

Take Care,


Anonymous said...

Hey - that whole calorie not counting thing? I tried it out. It's a lie!
A lie, I tell you!

Ice Cream said...

How did I not know about this wonderful holiday? I must remember this for next year. Thanks for the recipe, can't wait to try it. BTW I had all the kids make nature bracelets while camping this last week and they turned out so lovely. Thanks for the idea.

Anonymous said...

YUM-O! Sadly, I'm dairy free!! **sniff**sniff**

Great blog!

carminetrione said...

Great Blog!! i love ice cream!!