Cut the cereal boxes in half lengthwise, leaving the left and right side flaps to act as guard rails. With a collection of these the possibilities are endless--you could recreate the California freeway system from the comfort of your own kitchen floor.
In the pictures here Spencer, David and Lillian taped the box chutes together to make a car run that extended across the kitchen and into the living room, they even got Cain involved who contributed his own boxes to the project.
"I've got so many boxes, I had to get a big box to hold all the little boxes!" he said when he showed up on the doorstep. They propped the ramps on stacks of encyclopedias--I knew there was a reason I held onto those things--and the whole activity was accompanied by many "awesome!"s and "cool!"s as they shot the cars across the room.
Wednesday is the last day to enter The Write-Away Contest--hope to see you there!
Check in with Rocks in My Dryer every Wednesday for other good tips.
Technorati tags: WFMW, crafts, children, summer vacation
Great idea! My boys will love this. Thank you!
I love how they were so creative! What fun! Thanks for sharing.
My son would be thinking, so that's what books are for.
What a fun idea for those winter days that are sure to be coming.
Very clever!
Cool idea...my boys have fun with this too!
My boys would love this!
Nothing better than a do-it-yourself toy! Those were always my favorite. You actually have to use the gray matter! Now, tell the truth - you played too, didn't you? Just looks like too much fun!
Off to grab that HUGE box of Honey Nut Cheerios out of the garbage. We go through cereal like it's water!!! Thanks for the great idea!
Hmm I have about 8 boxes of 'loathed but healthy' cereal that's been hanging around for probably as many months. Maybe it would be less 'wasteful' to recycle it in this manner and give up on the healthy eating campaign.
We usually use a large board of some kind, but with cereal boxes I think there would be those opportunities to make the track go uphill a little and then back down. My boys would love this.
You are so creative! What's it like to be the coolest mom on the block?
Very cool. Looks like you are coming up with all kinds of things to keep your boys busy!
Good idea - I guess we'll have to start buying the box cereal instead of the bags.
My boys would love that! I'm sure I'd have a horrible time actually getting them to throw it away when they were done but they would think it was great.
Totally cool! Try using those cardboard oatmeal cans for tunnels, too.
That's a cool idea!
I remember being all crafty like that as a kid, but never with the cereal boxes.
wow, your kids did a great job. thanks for the idea. I will share it with my kids!
My boys do this too... cardboard box lids as well.
Clever, very clever. Boxes are the best toys ever.
Great idea.
We used the boxes up side down, with a hole on each side, so they became tunnels and underground stations.
Oh, my sons will love this idea, do you mind if I use it? Great fun and recycling too!
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
I remember playing cars when I was a kid. When got old enough to drive, everything changes. Driving is not as fun as before. The excitement to driving is not the same as well. Now, it has to be a responsibility not a place of fantasy and fan.
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