"Okay," he said, "Are you seeing stars?"
I paused and didn't move as I listened. Then I heard him again: "How about now?"
"Yea!" I heard Spencer say in an oddly strained voice.
"Good, then it's working!" Andrew said cheerfully.
I pushed open the door and found Andrew sitting on Spencer, wrapped around him in what can only be described as a sumo-ninja-Navy-sealish hold. They both looked up guiltily as I poked my head in and said ever-so-nonchalantly, "So, uh, what are you doing?"
"Oh I'm just teaching him the Sleeper Hold."
What?? What??
"Yea, I'm just showing him how it works."
Oh, that's all. And I was worried that there was something weird going on. Good to know my son's education is in such capable hands.
Technorati tags: parenting, motherhood
Oh boys. What can you do? They are always up to some crazy stuff.
{Great post!}
Well you know, who else is going to teach him that when he grows up, he'll still be a large child?
He is in good hands grasshoppa.
It's good he has a son to teach these things to. Otherwise YOU might have been his victim... um... I mean "student." Hee hee hee.
Hilarious. And I agree with megan (friedokra)'s assessment of the situation. :-)
Maybe that should be added to the list of scary stuff.
Ha ha...Good story!
ROFL! Boys never grow up!
Why am I not surprised?
Sounds like a great Dad to me. As long as no one passes out.
I would have been questioning the "are you seeing stars yet?" thing also. Men and boys they are just weird...
I love that photo. I'm looking forward to the day my husband teaches my daughter how to fish.
I don't even pretend to understand how the other gender is wired.
I am new to your blog, and I will for sure check back. :) Cute story... but I'm also glad that everyone is ok. :) ¥
I guess boys will be boys, huh.
Our only boy is 11 months old so thanks for the heads up on what will be coming! Today my husband had to interrupt my shower to tell me he went outside to spit while he was holding Ira, our baby. Ira looked at him, looked at the ground and tried to spit too. Dad was so happy! I guess after having to deal with six daughters having a son is exciting in every regard. :D
I love how he asked,"are you seeing starts?" So hilarious! Good luck, you may need :)
No worries in your house, obviously. Isn't it amazing what men think important enough to pass down to the next generation? Even intelligent men. It floors me. really.
It coulda been worse, he might've been teaching him to burp the alphabet.
New reader. Had to comment on this one. Too funny!!! I have three boys, and I know we're in for all kinds of this silliness.
Why is there even a distinction between men and boys?
A dad teaching his son the manly arts. Sniff!
lol...the joys of boys (of all sizes and ages) :-)
Ha! You just gotta love dads. Thanks to Dave and his wrestling clinic, I am completely confident that Julia can defend herself. I've been clotheslined and given the belly splash, so I know.
hehe perfect!
ummmmmmmmmmm wow. :) love it.
My Dad was always teaching us these critical life skills and my mom was always following up with all the scary warnings, trying to undo all he had done. They made a great team.
Oh. My. Goodness!
"Good, then it's working..." ????
You must be some sort of saint, 'cause about then, I would have busted in with a sleeper hold of my own... : )
A little scary, a lot hilarious.
Should.... I... call... DFYS?
Funny post!
That's SO sweet.
At least his Dad taught it to him. I had to learn the sleeper hold from watching rasslin'.
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