We've had an ongoing debate here about who was "The Chosen One." You know, the one who was prophesied to "bring balance to the Force"? Well it's an important point of the Star Wars saga and it's brought much division in the family.
Spencer says that it's absolutely, without a doubt, completely undeniably Anakin Skywalker--or Darth Vader--and that anyone who says otherwise doesn't know squat about Star Wars. Them's fighting words.
I say Luke is the Chosen One and the only one who could have fulfilled that roll. Period. End of story. Go back to your hole you bantha scum you.
So which is it? Since Yoda doesn't say "The Chosen TWO" it has to be one or the other--though I guess you could make a case for George Lucas being the Chosen One.
The arguments (in a nutshell, though we could write lengthy treatises on the subject if we wished) are these:
Darth Vader
He was the one that the whole series was about, he was the central figure and the story was about his redemption.
He brought balance to the Force because he destroyed the Emperor and eventually became good.
Fair enough. BUT . . .
Luke Skywalker
Luke was the catalyst that brought about Vader's redemption in the first place, without him there would be no end to the Empire's reign of terror and cruelty. No balance. None.
He saves Darth Vader, which is the whole point of the story. Killing the Emperor is a minor point of the plot. Luke, saves the Rebellion, saves R2D2, saves Leia, saves Vader--what else do you want him to save to prove that he's the One. Besides, you can't have a Bad Guy as the Chosen One.
So who's it going to be? Luke or Vader--help me settle this thing once and for all. And yes, our lives are pathetic. Pathetic in a fun way.
Technorati tags: Star Wars, movies, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker
That's a tough one - without Darth, there'd be no Luke. Come to think of it without Princess Amidala, there'd have been no Luke. It must've been her. She birthed the one who could bring it all back into balance.
Although, my natural inclination is to vote for Luke.
Sorry, it was Anakin/Vader. Spencer is totally right. Luke was the catalyst to bring about his redemption. It is CLEAR from the movies.
I will, however, ask my "experts" tomorrow and maybe let them vote too. Maybe you'll be lucky and they'll agree. Doubt it though.
And the problem with collecting votes from other mothers and adults in general is that we just don't CARE enough to cast just and accurate votes.
All Star Wars freaks in this house vote Anakin. He was the one with all those mitochlorians in his blood after all. And he only went to the dark side out of his love for Padme and wanting to keep her alive. I mean, what better reason to go completely nuts? LOL
Anakin. Without doubt. And without Anakin, there's be NO Luke.
Yeah. We're Star Wars people too.
Obi Wan clearly yells after he has hacked Annakin's legs off "you were the chosen one."
Your arguement depends on your interpretation: who was THOUGHT AND EXPECTED TO BE the chosen one as per the Jedi's interpretation of the propehcy (Annakin) or who ended up "defeating the dark side" and uniting the universe (Luke).
Nope, not a Star Wars junkie though it seems like it. I've just had a crush on Han Solo since I was seven years old! :)
Personally, I lean toward Jar Jar.
Just kidding. It's Luke. Definitely Luke.
Isn't there something Yoda says to that effect in the scene in the swamp where he's training Luke? I almost went and put in the DVD to find the scene as proof...but then I realized how pitifully obsessive that would be and stopped myself.
Sure, Annakin was supposed to be the chosen one, and should have been... but was seduced by the dark side.
Then as always, fate chooses someone else. Luke, who causes Vader's redemption.
Luke, absolutely Luke.
Gotta agree with your son on this one. It's Vader all the way.
He brought balance to the force in more than just one way. Killing nearly every Jedi was part of that prophesy too.
And no one else could have killed the Emperor which was necessary to bringing balance. Of course Vader probably couldn't have done it without Luke being the distraction, but that didn't make Luke the Chosen one.
And I think I've thought way too much about this already. But I'm a big Star Wars fan so there ya go! :)
Alas these young Padawans ... Luke is totally the Chosen One. Annakin created imbalance in the force by going over to the dark side, it was Luke that brought him back!
hmm my Star Wars geekiness is showing *blush*
Hmm, tough question. But your son is mistaken about something: the Star Wars series is not all about Anakin. It's all about Luke. The Anakin chronicles were just thrown in later when George Lucas started running out of money.
In spite of it though, I'm inclined to side with him. I would say Anakin was the chosen one, but after he joined the dark side Luke sort of took up his position, filled in, and helped bring him back to his chosen position, at which point he finished his appointed job.
On the other hand, you could compare them to Frodo and Gollum, where Frodo is the chosen one with the pure heart and Gollum is really greedy but in the (very)end Gollum pays a large role in destroying the ring--hand delivers it to the fire, even--but Frodo is still the chosen one.
Truthfully, Star Wars makes my head spin as it's ALL ANYONE TALKS ABOUT in my house, but that's what I get being surrounded by boys! But I always had the impression that it was Luke.
And you also have to think that what if they had never done the prequels- I doubt this would be an issue then!
This is actually a very timely question for the people in my house as my daughter is currently watching Star Wars just about non-stop in between playing her Star Wars lego game. I thought nothing could replace The Pirates of the Caribbean, but right now, they are out!
Anyway, my daughter says Luke, my son says Anakin. I am conflicted. So I did what all conflicted people do, I searched Google. There is a lot out there, but pretty much everyone points to Anakin. The kicker is George Lucas is quoted as saying that Anakin is The Chosen One and since he created the whole thing, I guess we have to go with his interpretation. http://forums.starwars.com/thread.jspa?threadID=239315
So your son is correct...Spencer 1, Mommy 0.
On a sidenote...isn't it amazing how you can post wonderful recipes and get a few comments, but you post about something like this and the comments pour in
While everything points to Darthy boy as chosen one, people never really know who is supposed to fullfill a prophecy until the prophecy is actually fulfilled.
(basically prophecies need hindsight before they can become fact) There is my very highly researched and documented 2 cents =).
I was so with you on the Luke thing but after talking to my mom and brother (serious Star Wars fans) they both say it Darth. They both told me it was actually stated in the movie (I must have missed that part or not wanted to hear it).
Love your blog!
The thing about Spencer's argument for Anakin was that although the movies were about him, the true chosen one is NEVER the main character...it's always the unassuming chump who has his fate forced on him.
I'm saying Luke...although I like the idea of Jar-Jar...
The basic story line is good vs. evil.
Annakin embodies both: he is one coin with two sides, light and dark, day and night, good and evil.
He's the chosen one. Luke is the catalyst, but Darth is the one.
Wow Michelle... this is some deep posting! I had to go with Luke on the poll because of the "catalyst" argument!
Okay, how's this for a fence sitting vote from a Star Wars non-fan.
Anakin brought balance to the force by fathering Luke and Lea.
I always believed it was Luke.
'In every generation, there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.'
Oops. Wrong good v. evil epic story.
I can't decide. Here's why: Darth/Anakin is the catalyst & Luke provided the redemption. Now my head hurts. Can't decide. Nerdy brain cells smoking...
Oh dear. I made the mistake of asking my high school English class this question, and the debate is raging!
My husband (huge fan) says Luke because in Return of the Jedi he (apparently) looks at his hand and realizes that he is just like his father but he over comes and that balances the force.
I'm going to say it was one of those instances where it could have been Anakin/Vader, but he blew it- fortunatley he had a son who stepped up to the plate and saved the family business. It could have been Anakin, but he chose the wrong side. Therefore Luke is the chosen one.
Also, it couldn't be George Lucas, because everyone knows he's really an Ewok.
I go with Anakin too.
I look at it this way, you have two opposites: Emperor vs. Yoda and the apprentices Vader vs. Luke. When Yoda passes, Luke steps up as the last Jedi Master (you'll notice up to this point, Luke has fought mainly Vader...now he goes up against the Emperor), leaving Vader in the middle without a foil. In the final confrontation between Emperor and Luke, Vader kills the Emperor, thus balancing the equation. Then he bridges the chasm between dark and light, thus bringing balance to the force as well.
The theory around here is Anakin as his Dark side self, Darth Vader. He is the one after all who kills the "Evil Emperor". Yes, Luke helped provide the necessary therapeutic intervention for him to turn on his evil master, but in the end Darth saved the galaxy.
I couldn't even begin to decide, so I put "someone else". My decision is Hans Solo.
C'mon, it's Harrison Ford!
Plus, he goes on to marry Leia and found a whole new Jedi world. Maybe. In my imagination.
Anakin and Luke were just red herrings.
GREAT, Michelle...!
I never thought it was anyone OTHER than Luke til now you've raised the question. I'm wondering who my kids would say 'cause they've watched all the movies, oh...about a dozen times.
If I remember, I'll let them vote :).
Did you see the cloak I just finished for Dash?
It was clearly R2D2.
Actually, I do think it was Darth Vader. The balance was already off when he came around, he was sacrificed, body and soul, to bring everything back to rights.
But who on earth cast that horrible immature sissy who can't act his way out of a paper bag, to play Anakin? That retard ruined the prequels for me.
DH says it's Anakin. He is the one because he brings the balance. After his raging, their are two jedi, as their are two sith.
Jar Jar Binks. Nah, just kidding. I say Luke, baby!
I see Star Wars is alive and very popular at YOUR house too.
Will have to ask the expert at our house -- he's 5. :-)
Oh my God, these are conversations we have with A. Who is 6. And thinks he knows all things Star Wars. Whimper...
I'm going with Han Solo. He drove the ship, and we all know, the person who drives the minivan...uh, ship...chooses the radio station and balances the Force.
You'll be happy to know that there's a great deal of division over this issue in such hallowed halls as Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Midi-chlorian#Anakin_as_the_Chosen_One
"Anakin was thought to be the chosen one," according to Lucas. I think he was supposed to be the chosen one, but he failed (and the prophecy was ultimately inaccurate AKA wrong).
Originally, the script of Ep3 included Palpatine telling Anakin that he had manipulated the midi-chlorians to create Anakin; however, this was cut from the script to keep it ambiguous (again, according to Lucas).
And I think, ultimately, this issue is supposed to be ambiguous. Possibly so that people think about the movies, talk about the movies and go watch them again.
OK let me preface this with I have lived and breathed Star Wars my entire life, everyone around me including myself loved the SW. I even married someone who loves it...and is a walking talking SW encyclopedia.
Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader was and will always be the chosen one. The only way to bring balance was to kill the Emporer, Lord of the Siths. Ulitmately it was Darth Vader who did that. Ask a hard core Star Wars fan, geek whatever and this is always the answer.
So um yeah...my point it how Spencer is completely right. AND I'm not really a big geek
Huh. You know I really could care less! ROFL. Maybe when my boys grow up and get into Star Wars? I just wanted to stop by and extend an award to you - The Daily Dose. Pick up the button if you'dlike at my place!
Don't tell anyone, Michelle--I've never seen Star Wars. Tried to do it. Can't do it. Something about Darth Vader freaking me out when I was a kid. I put him in the same category as the Wicked Witch, whom I also refuse to watch. Sad, huh?
Its Anakin. He was even the product of a virgin birth...(although I always hate it when they have a flawed individual as a Christ figure...)
Anakin harbored thoughts of overcoming the Emperor even after he had become Vader, but Padme's death, and the Emporer telling him that he (Anakin) had killed her (when she actually died later of a broken heart) was the cause of Vader becoming so much more complacent. It took the will out of him so to speak.
They don't mention much about a chosen one in the original trilogy, however George Lucas has said "Everybody believed 'Star Wars' was the story of Luke Skywalker," he says of the innocent young hero played by Mark Hamill in the first three films. "It wasn't. It was the story of Anakin, his father, who started as a hero and was then lured into the Dark Side by a powerful surrogate father, who convinced him that to save the wife he loved, and save the universe from the betrayal of the Jedi, he had to give in to his worst impulses — the lust for power, greed, selfishness.
"You can buy this or not, but I actually felt compelled to get the story I always wanted to tell on the record. It was Darth Vader who made the sacrifice by killing the evil Emperor who had seduced him," Lucas says.
If Darth hadn't been there, Luke would have lost. If Anakin hadn't fathered Luke...well...Luke wouldn't have been there to be the catalyst.
Sorry...the kid is right.
There is a whole series of comics called Star Wars infinities that has a lot of what if scenarios, one of which includes Darth Vader becoming good and not dying and changing to a white Vader suit.
OH Come on an easy one ! Coming from a Star Wars fan! ;-) LOVE IT!!!
Anakin without a doubt! and yes he did go to the dark side!
I hadn't even THOUGHT about it, and I am a total Star Wars FREAK.
As sad as this makes me, I have to go with Darth.
Luke didn't have the strength in the end and while he may have been the "Inspiration" for Darth to do the right thing, it was up to him in the end.
I always thought Luke was the cute one. Sigh...
I totally agree with you but think the boys in the house would all disagree and say Anakin. I'll have to ask tomorrow.
without a doubt, it is luke! luke was the chosen one to fix everything that had gone wrong. anakin may have been in his day but he couldn't handle it and he blew it. luke came along and made balance within the force -- made it all better. so just keep standing your ground with your boy(s) ... cause your boy is wrong wrong wrong! ha
Life's tough questions... :)
Not a Star Wars fan so I don't feel qualified to offer an opinion, but love the debate :)
i always thought it was Vader until now. (which is funny, 'cause I see people saying the opposite here)...
i'm off to ask my husband what he thinks!
LOVE the poll! voted for luke of course! hee hee
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Sorry to disappoint, but Anakin is the balance -giver. My husband says that your 'Luke' answer is winning in the polls because it is a bunch of us women voting, who don't 'get it'. Had to pass that on. Hee hee
I voted Luke .... but I prefer Han Solo, in general :D
Luke, Luke, Luke I see the argument on the side of Annakin...but even Yoda says the when "seeing" the future it is often clouded with emotion...not a direct quote but similiar...we are total Star Wars freaks here...btw if Spencer likes transformers..you guys have to get the Death Star/Darth Vader and the Millenium Falcon which turns into Han and Chewie...
I dare not enter this territory...I have a Star Wars fanatic at my house.
And, yet, I have no clue.
Okay...that is totaly hilarious. I have four sons I home school ages 18,16,13, and 12. The older three read all those Star Wars novels that continue the story on after the movies. There are children of Hans and Leiah and on and on and on...I will ask them their opinion and cast my vote. Found your site through the Daily dose award given to me by Maria at Freetofly. I have book marked your blog...I think I can relate to a woman such as you!
If you google "George Lucas- chosen one", you'll see that Lucas himself has said that Anakin is the chosen one. Fun debate, though. :-)
But George says if you want to think Luke is the one, that's fine with him (so everyone can win). :-)
Sorry, but I am siding with Spencer on this one ... but I still prefer the wisdom of Yoda over all the Star Wars characters :) !!
Thanks for taking me back to 6th grade!
This is freaking awesome. Great set-up. Great question. Great debate. I can't make up my mind!
Well...I DID ask my sons and they say unequivocally it is Anakin. They leave no room for discussion and tell me that anyone who says otherwise is simply uniformed.
I voted for someone else, because I wanted to say Han Solo (love me some Harrison Ford), but my first impulse was to agree with you. However, we haven't seen the third movie yet, which is the one people were quoting about Anakin being the chosen one. So basically, I don't know. I was pretty disappointed with the first 2 prequels (my god, Jar Jar Binks?). There was one moment in the 2nd movie that Scott and I both laughed out loud and got annoyed looks from a number of people, but it was such dismal acting. Or non-acting. So we haven't bothered to see the third one yet.
LOL! We have the same discussions in our house!
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and be completely different from all the other posts.
Everyone seems to think that "bringing balance to the force" was a good thing. At the point in the films when it is mentioned, the good guys are on top - balance would increase the dark side.
So, that being said. I'm gonna have to go with Anakin. But the chosen one bringing balance, wasn't a good thing and it isn't until his redemption and the death of the Emporer that the Jedi have the final victory.
Victory is completely unbalanced! So for a time Darth brought balance: good vs evil.
My husband and I are both huge Star Wars fans and agree that the answer is obvious: Anakin. As my husband put it so eloquently: "Luke is a putz."
Sorry, it インプラント
wow goldwas Anakin/Vader. Spencer is totally right. Luke was the catalyst to bring about his redemption. It is CLEAR from the movies.
I dare not enter this territory...I have a Star Wars fanatic at my house.
And, yet, I have no clue.
Anakin. Always. Luke was just too whiny of a character to be the chose one. There is so much more to Anakin, so much more character development, and someone who commented that the Anakin character was developed later, is right and wrong. The movies came out later, but the idea of Anakin was there before the first Star Wars movies were made in the '70s.
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