So what is this most wondrous of writing topics? "First Kiss." Beauty, eh?
Now I'm going to have to give special emphasis to rule #1 where it says I wield ultimate veto power and if a submission has "objectionable" content (i.e. content that I would object to) I will have to reject it. Though I will do it very nicely and kindly and with a great deal of wringing of hands and profuse sweating because I really hate to reject anything but to give you an idea of where I'm coming from my goal is to keep things clean enough around here that if my children or their friends stumble through, curious about what I might have written about them that week, they won't find stuff that would make them question the standards we enforce at home.
So interpret the topic however you'd like, you can write as personally or as metaphorically as you'd like but please keep it to a PG rating, after all your mother could be reading!
If you'd like to participate here are the rules:
1. Write a post or find one in your archives on the topic, "First Kiss" and email your post's permalink to me at scribbit at The permalink is the URL of the individual post--not the URL of your blog--usually found by clicking on the post title or time stamp and copying the URL that appears in the address field. I will accept entries through Sunday August 17th. If you fail to meet the August 17th deadline I will still happily publish your link with the list of entries but it will not be judged. I reserve the right to reject submissions if they fail to meet the topic or if they contain objectionable content.
2. Publish a link to the contest page here at Scribbit in either your entry post or in a separate post. I'm not picky how you do this, just give the contest a little mention as a courtesy and nod back. Don't stress over it because I won't.
3. Check back here on Tuesday August 19th when I will post a complete list of the entries along with the Write-Away Winner and any Honorable Mentions our judge sees fit to award.
Our guest judge this month is Tracy from the Dandelion Mama who is yet another blogger close to my heart--she has all the qualifications for a great judge: she's artistic, creative, thoughtful and an excellent writer. I'm looking forward to her selections.
And speaking of kisses the prize this month is something to get your pucker primed--
Anyway, they've recently started up a new line of Vivano smoothies--Banana Chocolate and Orange-Mango-Banana which include fresh fruit, protein and fiber to keep you running in good health. I've got five coupons for free Vivano drinks and besides the gift card I will give one coupon to the winner and the remaining four will go to four other entrants who receive an Honorable Mention. Winners galore this month!
But besides this the winner and all runners-up or Honorable Mentions (I leave that up to the judge to award them) will also get to take home this attractive Write-Away Winner button which he or she may display in their side bar if they wish.

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Technorati tags: Write-Away Contest, contests, blogging, writing, Starbucks
Ooh, what a fun topic! Off to work on my entry ...
I have something just in mind. And I also happen to love this prize. : )
What a great topic! This will be my first time entering. I'm looking forward to writing (and remembering) my story.
I'm going to get to this. Soon. Have you ever tried InKa? It's a non caffeinated grain derived beverage like Postum and with cream it's delicious!
I'm going to have to enter this month, despite how busy I already am with Root & Sprout!
I'll do anything to win a food product - LOL! ;-)
Oh I might just have to write about that - just thinking about it now makes me smile! Starbucks always makes me smile. Your blog when it posts recipes makes me smile.
Had the smoothie sample at Starbucks and I asked the counter lady how they make it. She said they use the Mango/Naked fruit drink, fresh banana and added protein powder. I went to the store and bought the indgrediants and it turned out so yummy! The downside is the naked juice is a little pricey.
The chocolate-banana vivanno is gooood.
PS You would totally love Starbuck's special hot chocolate it brings out in winter. I forget the name, but it's amazing!
Michelle head over to my blog tomorrow, there will be a little surprise waiting there for you.
Duly noted.
I think its different kind of fun.I love this competition.
I just emailed you my entry. This is such a great contest! I loved reliving that special moment. The first kiss.
On a side note, I'm glad I'm not the only Starbucks hot chocolate addict. :-)
What a great prize, and what a great topic! I just emailed you mine--I had a really great time writing it.:)
Oh, and I swear I know words other than "great." :D I think writing about kissing made my brain go all loopy!
Fun topic! Good thing I saw this, I was having a bit of a brain fart as to what to write today! I sent you an email with my post.
I was thrilled to write about my first "first kiss", but now I feel the desire to write about another "first kiss".... Maybe I shall! Can I enter twice?
OK, I emailed mine in.... can't wait to read the rest of them!
Your contest inspired me to write something NICE about my ex husband, and it's clean too.
I am so excited! What a fun contest. I have emailed the link to my entry. Can't wait to start reading all the others.
Thanks for the contest!
I can do this one! I'll email the link soon.
I'm almost ready to post. Count me in! What a great theme!
I heard about this from Angie over at Seven Clown Circus...I'm off to write mine now!
I heard about this from Melissa (hopesmommy) and had to enter! So much fun... can't wait to read all the entries!
House of Jules
I do love my Starbucks! Those new drinks sound great. I just e-mailed my entry.
hi, i emailed you my entry a little bit ago... thank you for the chance to write-away... has been quite a challenge and pleasure. aka. Mrsdayseye :-)
I'm looking forward to reading everyone's essays. I emailed you mine.
I finally got my act together - have mailed my you entry!
Thank you again for doing this each month - oh, and there are no Starbucks within 500km of me!
I sent you my entry awhile back but totally forgot to comment! Can't wait to see the entire list of entries and the many different directions I am certain that this topic took people!
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