Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Medela and Care Bears Double Giveaway

A Week of GiveawaysWelcome to day two of a week of giveaways where I have more than a dozen sponsors with beautiful gifts for you.

Entering is easy, leave a comment on a giveaway post for a chance to win that day's prize. I will leave all the giveaways open for the week through Sunday December 7th then I'll draw all the giveaway winners Monday December 8th and will announce all the winners at once on Tuesday December 9th.

One entry per person please. I'm sorry but due to shipping costs giveaways are open to those with a U.S. address.

Today the subject is clothing--clothing for moms and clothing for teens and if you can get luck to go your way you can walk away with a few gifts for your holiday list.

First, there are Care Bears. Yes, they're back--and coming to get the teen crowd as the 80s are back hipper than ever. For the teen on your list there are Care Bear t-shirts which I'm just guessing that my local teen (otherwise known as Grace) wouldn't mind wearing. I have five--yes five--shirts for five winners.

Bamboo Nursing Camisole by MedelaSecond, bamboo is THE thing in textiles. Towels, socks, t-shirts, now bamboo is the thing for environmentally kind fabrics and knits.

Medela makes products for nursing mothers--pumps, pads, bottles, and now camisoles made from bamboo. Why bamboo? Well the nursing camisole is made of a cotton/bamboo blend and "gives comfortable support for moms who want to nurse or pump discreetly on the go. It’s fashionable, with lace trim, thicker straps and added length. And because it’s made from bamboo it is incredibly soft, has natural anti-bacterial properties, as well as the ability to quickly absorb moisture."

So I have a camisole for our sixth winner today, if you have a preference for which of the two items you'd like to win you can mention it in your comment and I'll do my best to accommodate your requests.

Technorati tags: product reviews, giveaways, Care Bears, Medela


Robin said...

I have to admit I'm not feeling the Care Bear love (didn't we escape from the 80s once already?), but my daughter certainly is. She'd love a kid-sized t-shirt, and as an LC I could definitely find a deserving recipient for the Medela tank.

Danielle said...

Oh I would take either one. I have a person in mind for the cute care bear shirt but I would definitly love the nursing cami. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ooh! I'd love the nursing tank. Baby #7 is due next month and I will be nursing him. I've never had a nursing tank like that (too expensive?) but I'd love to try one.

Therese said...

I would love a care bears tshirt

Stacy said...

I have several teenage girls on my Christmas list so the Care Bear shirt would be perfect!

wwjdfkb said...

wow, the tank looks like it can keep you cool, AND modest.

michelle said...

I would love the nursing camisole. I have a baby due in March and haven't even begun shopping for nursing-wear for me yet. Thanks for the giveaway.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

Jennifer said...

I know someone who would enjoy either gift. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love Care Bears!

SarahHub said...

Both are equally great! I could give either as a gift!

Jeni said...

I would love the nursing camisole - I have a baby due in May!

The Bertone's said...

I would love to win one of the care bear shirts! :) Awesome Give away! :)

Anonymous said...

I know my teen or even 20 something would love the care bear t shirt


[Stacia] said...

Love the cami! I didn't know they were making those now. I'll have to pick one up if I don't win!

Candid Carrie said...

Only people that have the nickname Care Bear should be allowed to enter.

Love, Candid Care Bear

Anonymous said...

I'm not nursing, but I'd love a Care Bear shirt! What a flashback!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your giveaways and would happy just to be a "winner". Thanks! Prlinehan(at)hotmail(dot)com

DMK said...

Thanks for the contest!

Robin said...

Done nursing but I know someone who would give it the 'wear' it deserves. My daughter who is not a teen yet but thinks she is would LOVE the t-shirt!

Holly Crosley said...

My daughter has decided she loves Care Bears and doesn't believe me they are from the 80's! Apparently, we were never that cool! She would love the shirt!

Unknown said...

The nursing cami is calling my name. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

this is so exciting! almost like christmas a few weeks early! i don't mind either prize, i'm a nursing mommy and i've got a kid that LOVES carebears. its a win-win if i'm picked!

jenny said...

wow what a cute care baear tee and well i just love the care bears i think thay are realy grate for kids and well i'm realy happy that thay are back and well thay are one of the best 80's toys and well thay are clasic and well i hope i win this thanks

Inkling said...

Well, our first baby is arriving in about six weeks, and I'd love the nursing tank. It dawned on me that all my Sunday dresses, most of my nightgowns, and several other outfits are not nursing friendly, so I'm going to have to get creative about finding outfits without spending money on new clothes. I had wanted to buy one of those tanks to wear with sweaters and shirts, but they are not inexpensive. Nursing wear, including bras, costs more than regular clothing by quite a bit. Considering most of the designs are a bit drafty, that seems a little strange. =)

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the care bears I did have a shirt a few years ago but I out grew it and had to give it away. Yes I wore care bears in college and it was great!

Anonymous said...

I have 3 daughters who all love Care Bears

Kate said...

I'm don't know any teens but I have a sister who would love the Care Bear shirt. :0)

The Dunns said...

Love the nursing cami!

Anonymous said...

I am getting ready to have a baby in April and would love the tank!

Heather said...

Either Care Bears or cami would be great! Thanks for the chance to win.

CountessLaurie said...

Ha ha...I did not escape the 80's but clung tight. I love the Care Bears and they are all the rage with my children too!

As for clothing out of bamboo, with limited imagination, I would love to touch that! Then I would give it to one of my nursing friends, because I will not be nursing again (at least not without a lawsuit to my ob/gyn who promised me that would never happen again :-)

Thanks for another fun give-away chance!

Sandra said...

The care bear t would be a nice gift for my grandaughter.... if a large girls :>) or great grandaughters if a smaller size

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Care Bears...sure, why not? I'll go ahead and throw my name into the ring. Don't really have much need for the nursing tank top right now, but thank you!


Allie said...

My girls LOVE care bears and although they are still both young, they would love this shirt. My oldest is even nicknamed Care Bear. Also, this is also a great time for the camisole since I just had a baby on Nov. 26! What great prizes!

Cayce said...

I would love to try the Medela Cami. I'm 7 months pregnant with our first child. :)

Missy said...

I would love the care bear shirt for my daughter :)

nanja said...

I would prefer the camisole. My daughter is expecting ,plans to nurse and would really like a camisole like this.

Mac and Starr said...

I'd love the nursing cami, but would be grateful for either one!

Ann On and On... said...

I love the idea of natural made clothing.
At this point Care Bear's are an ageless item...

Alexis AKA MOM said...

I have the perfect person for the nursing tank she would love it. I would be the queen of presents :). Thanks Alexis

LibraryGirl62 said...

I will take anythig you choose to gift me with :)Somebody can alwyas use something!

Sarah Jewel said...

I would prefer the nursing tank as I'll be needing some come May when this baby is due, but if unavailable, Care Bears will work! Great give-away!

Anonymous said...

Either one would work for me!

nettacow at yahoo dot com

Dreamer said...

What fun givaways! Just in time for the holidays! Pick me, pick me!

Melissa Butler said...

I myself would wear the Care Bear shirt ~ I adored them growing up ~ and still do! My little sis is currently pregnant, but was busty prior to pregnancy, and I don't think that even the XL would fit her...but I work in a field dominated by women, and someone is always pregnant LOL!

Stephanie Appleton said...

Guess I have to get out of the reader to get in on these great giveaways! ;)

The house looks fantastic btw! I am sure that you are relieved!

Kate said...

I would like the camisole.

Anonymous said...

I would most definately love to win a Care Bear Shirt. My teen has always loved the Care Bears! I think she takes after Grumpy Bear most of the time though, but she is a teen! Thanks for the giveaway!

moonshadow43 at gmail dot com

Daisy said...

I would enjoy the Care Bears, believe it or not.

John and Laura said...

I'm a nursing mom, so that would be super for me!


Anonymous said...

I would love either prize.

rebbi511 at peoplepc.com

Tiffany said...

I am hoping I am a winner!!

Jen Rouse said...

Is it bad that I think I would actually wear the Care Bear shirt? I think it's fun! The Medela tank would be great too, as I'll be nursing for a few more months at least.

Jennifer said...

I would be fine with either! No preference here!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Care Bear T-shirts! I think I know of a few American girls here in Honduras who would love this gift.

flip flop mama said...

I would love the camisole!

Anonymous said...

I'd go for the Care Bears T-shirt. Thanks for the cool giveaway!

mum2twelve said...

I would LOVE the camisole as I am expecting any week now. Thinking positive here - due date is the 27th... so any week - right?

Wonderful giveaways!


Keeling said...

I'd love to win either one! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Ally said...

I think I'm finally done in the nursing department but my girls would love the care bear shirt. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

cute tee


slylady said...

I would love to win one of the Care Bear T-shirts for my granddaughter.

Flea said...

Sorry I've been AWOL. Hope yours was a great Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

My niece would like the care bears tee.


cami is sweet- first choice then the bears

Anonymous said...

My neice would love a Care Bear shirt. My sister-in-law is expecting, so the tank would be great too!

shelcows AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I'd be up for the camisole! I just found out that a friend of mine has a p.o. box in Skagway and drives up there regularly, so I now have a U.S. mailing address -- woo hoo!

NGS said...

I totally would take the Care Bear shirt and wear it regularly. I am not a teenager, but it's always nice to dress somewhat inappropriately!!

Kea said...

i would take either, but it would be way cool to have both! ;-)

strawberry3d said...


Derick and Becky said...

I can't believe Care Bears are back, I wonder if teens even know who they are! I am definately for the Medela stuff, I am nursing right now and anything to help with that is great!

Anonymous said...

I'd be gratefulk for either tee, but the care bear one is soooo cute!!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Sheila Hickmon said...

My daugter would love the Care Bears shirt, and I would love the Cami. I cant seem to find any that fit right! Been nursing for 3 months and still dont have any that I can wear!

Abby said...

I would love the Care Bear top for my daughter thanks so much!

Mirien said...

I'd love to try the nursing tank. I've got a few more months of that ahead of me!

Paula said...

would love to win either

janet said...

Because I care I would love to wear the bear t-shirt!! Then maybe I will get a guy to flirt. Seriously its a cute shirt!!

Kara said...

Could definitely find a use for the Medela tank!

daysease said...

either, but i know the nursing cami would come in handy big time. :-) please enter me...

Jen lleras said...

I am having a baby in a few weeks and I haven't bought any nursing clothes yet, I still can't bring myself to spend the money on them during the season of giving, maybe I will win one!


Rachael Hutchings said...

I will soon be nursing again, as I'm having a baby girl next month, so the Medela information is SO interesting!

mumple said...

Care Bears? The Howler loves 'em, although she's about as far from warm and fuzzy as they get. Opposites attract? I think so.

littlelatina said...

definitely the Care Bear tee

Tammi said...

I would love to win the nursing cami. Won't need it for a few months yet, but then I'm sure it will get plenty of use. Thanks for hosting these giveaways!

vboackle said...

the care bear tshirt.

mogrill said...

I love Care Bears and my daughter does too!

Cindy said...

I'd love the care bear tshirt for my granddaughter.

Cindy said...

I'd love the care bear shirt for my granddaughter.

ohAmanda said...

Oh, I'd love the tank! I'm nursing a 2month old now!

Doug W. said...

Carebears? My wife would love the camisole

Shannon said...

My 10 year old daughter, Skylar, is (gratefully) very into Care Bears. Please enter us in the drawing for the CB t-shirt. Thank you.

Jen said...

I would love the nursing cami! Thanks for another great giveaway.

carolpie said...

The camisole would be perfect. Thank you!

An Ordinary Mom said...

The nursing cami right now would be utterly great ... but a care bear shirt would also be fun :) !!

thediaperdiaries said...

I would love the nursing shirt. My SIL is expecting and I would love to give it to her.

mverno said...

i chose the care bear tee

stephanie said...

i would love a care bear t!

Kate said...

I could totally use a new nursing tank! Mine is in such a sad state I only use it to sleep in. :-(

Unknown said...

Thats a cute care bear t!

agordon10 said...

i'd be happy with either

Heather said...

I would love to win the nursing tank - what with haveing a 3 month old and all...

Anonymous said...

Holy awesome giveaways, Michelle! I'd really love the nursing camisole. Does it come in size HUGE? I know Julia would adore the Care Bear shirts, too. So, either for me, if I'd happen to win!

AKkimmie said...

fun fun fun !! would love the bamboo or nursing tank, a friend is due in Feb:)

Sarah said...

I'm done with the 80s and nursing, but I sure know a teenie-bopper and a pregnant friend that would love these.

StayAtHome_Jen said...

Would love to win any of these prizes!


37 Questions said...

I would pick the nursing cami for my good friend that's expecting and will be nursing this one as she did her first!

Roo said...

Cute Care Bears.

bandanachick said...

That nursing cami sounds great...I will have to check out their website soon!

Stephanie said...

Our 2nd baby is due in March and the Medela camisole looks fantastic. I especially love that it has thicker straps (which probably translates as more support...) and longer length.

KelverB said...

I'm due to have my first baby in March, so the Medela camisole would be perfect!

suzannah | the smitten word said...

love medela, and love nursing camis!

Stacy said...

I didnt even know Medela made nursing bras.


Dana+Martin said...

That medela tank top looks wonderful. I didn't know that clothing is made out of bamboo also.

Serena said...

Ah, an item of clothing that FITS right now would be lovely.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to win the Care Bear shirt. Thanks.

Melissa O. said...

I would love the nursing cami. I own very few shirts that are accommodated for nursing and I plan on nursing until my baby is at least 18months old.
Thank you!

delta dawn said...

The care bear tee is cute.

Jaye said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Richelle said...

I would love the nursing shirt!

liliesrnice said...

I could really use the nursing cami, so I hope I win. If I weren't pregnant I'd love the care bears tee.

artmarcia said...

I'd love the nursing cami to give to my daughter-in-law.

Anonymous said...

My teen-age niece would love that Care Bears shirt!!

simplysusan123 at yahoo dot com

purplepassion126 said...

Either one for me, but hte Care Bear shirt is especially cute!


Care Bear t-shirt

Anonymous said...

Great Giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'd like the nursing cami!
PabaV at aol dot com

Danielle M. said...

I don't have a preference on the prize. Thanks for such a great giveaway.

Pamela said...

I could totally use the Medela tank. Number four is arriving in a couple months, and he'll be rocking it at the boob buffet. Thanks!

Nicole said...

I have a person in mind for both of those items! :)

threesidesofcrazy said...

My niece is a care bear fiend - she'd love it!

PowerSweepstaking said...

care bear for the daughter!

Anonymous said...

The Care bears tshirt would be wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm a nursing mom, so I'd love to try out that cami...and I'm going to 30 next week, does that make me too old to wear a carebear teeshirt with my cardigan? I don't think so!!!

Jolene said...

ooh id love either of them.

Rosie said...

LOVE the mursing tank. Baby #2 is due in March, so it would come in super useful!

Anonymous said...

I'd definitely love the care bears t-shirt. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I would love a care a bear t-shirt just because they were the best when I was growing up and I want to bring the old school stuff back since I love t-shirts like this.

Candie L said...

I would love one of the Care Bear tshirts for a close family friend.


Marketing Mama said...

oooh - as a nursing Mom, I would definitely love one of those camis! :)

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend's daughter would love the Care Bear T-Shirt. She loves them!!


Unknown said...

I'd love to win either, but I'd prefer the Medela tank. Please count me in and thanks for the contest!
codisweepstakes at gmail dot com

Leslie said...

Would love the care bears shirt.

Unknown said...

Care Bears

Bridget said...

love love love the medela brand!!! thanks again!! ;)

mich0825 said...

Thanks for the giveaway! The camisole is great.


PJean63 said...

My oldest daughter loves carebears, and she's due in Feb! So the nursing cami would be great.

Helen said...

I loved the Care Bears as a kid!

Beeb said...

I would love to win the great Care Bears shirt! Thanks so much!

supercoupongirl AT gmail.com

masonsgranny59 said...

Care Bear t-shirt.

Donna said...

I would like the Care Bear Tshirt please.

klp1965 said...


Anonymous said...

Either one would be a great win! Thank you.


Anonymous said...

thelastman would love an XXL care bear tee shirt for his fiance who had a little boy named antonio eight weeks ago yesterday. he is a beautiful baby and is getting big. johnpratt@ecologyfund.net thanks you in advance and hopes all have blessed days.

fancyfeet48 said...

the care bear tshirt

jennem said...

Please enter me for the t-shirt, thanks!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

goodwitchglinda said...

I loved the Care Bears when I was little, but I am now in the stage where I could really use the nursing cami. I am so excited to be expecting my first child & plan to nurse. Thank you!

cdrury said...

care bear tee is great

ldrnc2000 said...

Nice prize! I would love to win the Cami! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Steph said...

I love the Care Bear t-shirt. Great colors.

rosannepm said...

I like the bamboo tank

cman said...

My daughter would love this.. Please enter me :)

Miranda Ward said...

please enter me thanks

Amanda C. said...

I love the care bear shirt. My daughter would love it.

marien said...

ª"˜¨¯¯¨˜¤(¯`*•.¸I luv care bears¸.•*´¯)¤ª"˜¯¯¨¨˜"ª
and my floors are made of recycled bamboo

carolpie said...

The cami is great!

lilyk said...

Please enter me into the contest for the Care Bear t-shirt. Thanks!