Saturday, June 05, 2010

It Pays to Be a Fan

If you have ten minutes to spare I suggest you use them to watch this video. It's a presentation by Prof. Philip Zimbardo that is visually fascinating and intellectually attractive on the subject of time. Hats off to my husband for sending it to me.

And if you find yourself with even more time on your hands here are a few more worthy sites. I've posted all of these links previously through Facebook and Twitter and if you haven't already done so I suggest that you follow Scribbit there--when I come across good stuff I always share it through Facebook and Twitter so it can pay to be a fan, right?
  • The Wall Street Journal writes in "'Vanity' Press Goes Digital" about how digital self-publishing is catching more and more attention. Yea for ebooks!

  • Art for Small Hands has a gorgeous project for Paper Mache Birds that I'd try myself.

  • Looking for a good breakfast recipe? Here are 100 Ways to Break an Egg (and when they say "break" they mean "cook").

  • This Sushi Cake looks so much better than actual sushi I'd absolutely have a piece.

  • Instructables has a recipe for 5 Minute Ice Cream that sounds fun as an afternoon treat.
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Carinne said...

Very cool video. The problem is that he explained the problem, but didn't explain how to fix it. How do we change our children's time perspective?

Randa Clay said...

Very interesting video, and I LOVE that Art for Small Hands site! I'm homeschooling and am a little bit art challenged, so it's a great resource for me. Thanks for sharing.

Michelle Glauser said...

Yeah, I was wondering about the solution as well. I find videos like that so awesome. People complain so much about kids and technology and how much time is wasted, but I think there's a huge opportunity that we're missing out on. How can schools change to reflect what kids know, that is, active, technology-based life?

Annette Lyon said...

Fascinating video--and like you said, very cool to watch. Thanks for passing it on. It gave me food for thought.

Nancy from Two Mountains said...

Talk about timing! My 22 year old son sent me a link to the same video just a few days ago. I also found it interesting and have passed it on to friends and relatives. Other videos are also available.

wwjdfkb said...

i'm surprised by your posting of this video. You hve never posted anything that was anti-another religion. Yet the video attempts to portray Catholics as lazy and un future oriented.

Mary Green said...

That's a great video ty for sharing.

I can't find my blog said...

That video is really cool!

CountessLaurie said...

I finally had 10 minutes! That was amazing... Lots to think about! Thanks for sharing...

Janel said...

AWESOME video!! Thanks so much for sharing it! I'll be passing this on.

Jena Webber said...

that was a good video. thanks for posting it.