Saturday, November 21, 2009

HP TouchSmart 600 Giveaway

HP Touchsmart 600Biggest giveaway ever! Got your attention? Good, because the rules are a little different from previous giveaways so read all the information carefully.

The HP TouchSmart 600-1055 is a desktop PC where, as the name implies, you can touch the screen to manipulate information. It comes with all the stuff you desperately covet with the bonus of being able to pinch, rotate and drag things anywhere you want with your own little fingers. Is that not completely fun?

Windex not included.

However, there are other spiffy features that it does include:
  • built-in adjustable webcam, wireless modem, microphone and premium speakers
  • wireless keyboard and mouse
  • HDMI gaming console so you can play your Playstation, X-box or Wii in HD
  • 23" HD 16:9 screen plus HDTV tuner with a remote
  • capabilities for viewing Blu-ray discs plus viewing or burning DVDs
  • 750 GB hard drive
  • TouchSmart Live TV, Windows Media Center and Windows 7 software
With the Windows 7 Play To feature you can set music to play throughout your home audio system. Or, with the TouchSmart Live TV feature and the optional TV tuner you can even record TV programs. I believe the word for that is "suh-weet."

HP TouchSmart 600It also comes with a bundle of five Microsoft Surface programs that teach you to use the new TouchSmart screen to full potential so you can easily run sites like Twitter, Pandora or Netflix. Gives a new meaning to poking people on Facebook, doesn't it?

So if you think about it, you're not just getting a regular old PC to manage information, you're also getting a command center for your entire entertainment and social media system.

And if this doesn't get you drooling I noticed that on the HP site you can get about $200 worth of extras, including free shipping, a $120 rebate and $60 off one of HP's wireless printers. Good deal.

I'm so excited because HP has generously offered to give one of these snazzy new machines free to one of you just in time for the holidays so read all the directions carefully for your shot at this beauty.

Here's how to win:

Before 12 am, the morning of Saturday November 28th (you get a full week for this one) go to the giveaway entry form on this page and enter your name and email. I will pick one of the names with a random number generator, contact the winner via their email and publish their first name and home town on Tuesday December 1st.

You can only enter once via the form. However, if you share this giveaway or the HP link to the product through Twitter, Facebook, by emailing this post to a friend (see envelope icon at the bottom) or by putting up this button on your site please leave me a comment letting me know that you did so and I will gladly enter your name a second time.

HP TouchSmart 600 GiveawayCode:
<a href=""><img alt="HP TouchSmart 600 Giveaway" src="" title="HP TouchSmart 600 Giveaway" border="0" /></a>

When you click on the entry form link there are even more minute details at the bottom if you have questions. This giveaway is open to all readers so good luck!


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nape said...


Prahagirl said...

I put out a plug on facebook for all the fun! Linked up to the contest--best of luck to all!

Alison Kelley said...

Tweeting about it too and posting also in my facebook! Thanks Michelle!

Beth Cotell said...

I just posted about this awesome giveaway! Thanks for the extra entry and the GREAT GIVEAWAY!

Me-Me King said...

My entry failed (received error message), should I try again?

GinaE1980 said...

I tweeted about the giveaway:

Mean Mommy said...

Emailed all my sisters...

sdadolf said...

I need this!!!!!!

Mom24 said...

I put your button on my blog. :-)

Annette Lyon said...


Jill said...

Emailed my SIL. We both need a new computer.


Annette Lyon said...

Facebooked it!

Beth Weeks said...


Annette Lyon said...

E-mailed my sister!

Shauna said...

Great giveaway. I tweeted about it.

Jolanthe said...

I blogged about it on both of my blogs for you! :)


diesel51 said...

Anonymous said...

I want this one..Great giveaway.

Jolanthe said...

Twittered too! :) And put a lovely button for you in my homeschool sidebar. :)

cloud10277 said...


Stephanie Appleton said...

Got you on FB and Stop the Ride! Fabulous!

Sarah Jewel said...

Shared the contest on facebook!

sassypriscilla said...

I put it on my Facebook. I don't have a twitter account. Thanks for the opportunity for a great contest!

Miriam Robbins said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miriam Robbins said...


Jackie @ Lilolu said...

I just put your button on my blog.

Angie said...

Blog the giveaway with your button & link

Marketing Mama said...

Just posted on my facebook page - awesome!

Sandy said...

It's up on facebook my friend! I'm keeping my fingers crossed....

Anonymous said...

I emailed this to a friend! Please enter me twice.

branda50 said...

I will tell my daughters to check out your Blog and enter to win..

Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful prize..

thordora said...

SOOOOO awesome. I could use a new desktop for the kids!

Anonymous said...

tweeted, facebooked and linked on my blog. Does that get even more entries? :-)

Unknown said...

I tweeted it! :)

Vicki said...

I just tweeted this! Love to win...

tawndam said...

I emailed 2 friends ;-)

Amber said...

I posted it on my blog!

Unknown said...

I posted your button here

Unknown said...


CLEM said...

emailed it to a friend

CLEM said...

blogged it.

Paul G. said...

E-mailed my friend about it. It seems like a really good giveaway! said...

This is a great prize.


Anonymous said...

COOL giveaway. I tweeted and fb'd this beauty of a contest.

CLEM said...

facebooked it.

Patricia C said...

tweeted your giveaway

I can't find my blog said...

I also added the button to my blog.

Thanks Michelle! What a great giveaway!

Mimi N said...

Facebooked about your giveaway:

Jessica Parks said...

I forwarded the post to a friend. Great giveaway!

Heather said...


Tiffany said...

Ooh, if I could surprise my Hubby with this for Christmas, that would be sooo cool! We don't normally exchange gifts! lol
I tweeted! Thanks so much for the chance to win - so fun!!

CLEM said...

emailed it to another friend.

Barbarawr said...

I tweeted about this giveaway:

Huse Yo Mama said...

Uh oh, I don't tweet. Guess I need to start, huh? This is a terrific giveaway. Now to pass on to FBers!!

Bee said...

I added the button to my blog. This would be lovely because I'm about to throw my PC out of the window!

thediaperdiaries said...

Tweeted. Really, Really want this!!

Kristen said...

I tweeted it! What an amazing giveaway!

Angelica Bays, said...


Anonymous said...

Tweetin it! Thanks for such an awesome chance to win.

js22 said...


email in blogger profile.

Anonymous said...

I follow and tweeted

Amy said...

I plugged the giveaway on facebook!

Allie in Tok said...

Posted on my Twitter page and on my Facebook page. Email me if you want to be added to my facebook to see!
Twitter name: auroralview

Debbie said...

I put a button on my blog

selah said...

I e-mailed my sister - hope one of us wins! said...

I posted it to my blog here: - I'll also tweet it for you - what a great giveaway!

Thanks, Michelle. :)

Erin said...

Oh, just in time for the holidays...this could make my holiday gift giving list quite affordable...thanks for such a great giveaway :-)

Lora said...

I emailed my sister!
Lora V. D.

Melissa said...

I posted the link to the blog entry on facebook. Thanks!

Teresa said...

emailed and posted to facebook... thanks!

J said...

Pretty awesome getaway! I hope we both win. :)

Julie From Inmates said...

Posted the button on my side-bar!!!

Julie From Inmates said...

Good Luck to me!!! Thanks for a great give-away!

Crystal said...

Fabulous contest! Thank you!

I posted it on FB and sent out a Tweet.

I also emailed it to my Mom (as much as I want to win, she is in desperate need of a new computer.)

Loralee Choate said...

So freaking sweet. I am going to post about it tomorrow! xo

Michele said...

Thank you for the generous giveaway I tweeted & following (please re-follow)

Michele said...

Thank you for the generous giveaway I tweeted & following (please re-follow)

Annystribe said...

I need to win one to grant my daughters wish for a touchscreen computer. She is losing the use of her hands and needs one to do her homeebound schooling and ease her lonliness.

Reno said...

I only have 3 followers on Twitter but I posted there anyway- and also on Facebook.

Fawn said...

I just e-mailed this. CRAZY!!!

Kris said...

Link is up on my Facebook!

Suzie B. said...

Wow! Wouldn't winning THIS make my day! Or ANYbody's day! I posted on my facebook page AND on my blog. I hope it will generate more readers for you. Oh, who am I kidding? I hope I WIN!

Grace @ Sandier Pastures said...

Of course I had to tweet this! Eventhough it would mean more contenders and less chance for me to win! :-(

Aimee said...

Blogged about this with link & button

Unknown said...

Wow, this is great!

Unknown said...

I have posted your button on my blog.

Rajee said...

I love to win it.

Rajee said...

tweeted @momsfocus

Email Marketing Services said...

Nice information. What a great post! I’ve enjoyed my time here!!!!
Keep it up.

Carrie said...

I would love to win this! I also emailed my sister about this! Thanks.

Pam said...

I emailed it to my daughter too!

Alice@Supratentorial said...

Awesome giveaway! I put the button on my blog.

Jenny86753oh9 said...

Pamela said...

I would love to win this.

Thanks for a chance to win and have a great day.

pscole3467 at gmail dot com

Patricia L said...

I posted a link on Facebook.

This is the granddaddy of all giveaways! What a score for you.

Stephanie said...


Thanks for the chance to win!

Blessed said...

This really is a great giveaway - I emailed it to my sister and put it on my blog too!

Jeni said...

I posted it on my blog!

Cathryn said...

I just emailed two people this wonderful giveaway--they both could use new computers!

Linda Ramos said...

This was too good to keep to myself.. I put it on my blog, tweet, facebook and emailed it!

Antique Mommy said...

Best give away ever. Ever.

RoeH said...

Check me out. It's on there!

I gotta give something away someday. Ya' get a lot of comments that way. :)

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Put your button on my blog Thanks so much for the fun :)

Caroline said...

What a great prize!

DJ said...

Just tweeted, not sure my original entry went through, I hope it did!

Pam D said...

It's on my blog.. go here:
That's an incredible giveaway!

Beth Parker said...

I put your button on my blog at

Tanya said...

I tweeted...thanks!

Mary-Frances said...

I entered AND put your code on my blog -

(Mary-Frances Main)

Patois42 said...

I had to tweet. Just because. Now even more people will find out. Darn my dwindling chances.

Deborah said...

I entered and put it on my facebook wall. Thanks, and good luck to everyone!

Brigitte W. said...

Tweeted on 11/22:
thanks & have a great weekend,

Sharon said...

I tweeted about this too!

Shelly Wildman said...

Put the button on my blog today. :)

The Foster Home said...

Just put this on my blog

The R Crew said...

Emailed this link to family and friends plus a FB post. THANKS!

K.M.L said...

Just emailed it to friends! :)
Thanks for the chance to enter my name a second time!

SkittleSkattle said...

I posted it up on my blog! Yay!

Dawn said...

I Tweeted this! Thanks for the chance!

TorqueU said...

Would be a great win.. thanks

Kelly said...

Just passed on this amazing giveaway to 3 sisters!

Joesette said...

I posted about it on my blog!

hbbs55 said...

I emailed my sister using your email link.

Confessions of a Homeschooler said...

Looks awesome, thanks for the great giveaway!

crissy // mama boss said...

I posted the giveaway link on my blog.

AlaneM said...

I linked to you on Facebbook - such a cool giveaway!!

AlaneM said...

I've got the button on my blog as well :)

bomar97 said...

I tweeted for your giveaway.. not the best tweeter, but put in your URL and reference to HP Touchsmart 600 giveaway.

cc said...

Sent an email to a friend!

Kathy said...

Here's my tweet!

Anonymous said...

I e-mailed my BFF!

Unknown said...


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Michelle, I feel like SUCH an idiot. I thought this was for a PRINTER. Um, I WANT TO WIN THIS!!!!!! (Also, blogging about it right now)


Brooke said...

I added your button to my blog!

Thank you so much!!


Brooke said...

I tweeted! YAY!


magsy said...

Tweeted it here

Kim said...


Kim said...

I put your fabulous button on my site :)

Sara said...

I tweeted @DiaperDaisy. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)

Krissy said...

I just emailed the contest and will put it on facebook and my blog!!

Midlife Mom said...

What a GREAT give away! The best I have seen in my blogging career! I will go directly and put it in a post!!!

miriama said...

WonderKitty said...

Wow! I am here from Loralee's blog, and she was not kidding, this is a killer giveaway. Good luck to me!

Tammy said...

I left the link on my blog and on FB!

[Stacia] said...

Oh how we could use one of those this year! Added the button to my blog!

Autumn Beck said...

very awesome giveaway! tweeted

Autumn Beck said...

button's on my blog :)

Sharon L. Holland said...

I entered on my mobile, but it cut me off before I got my whole email address in there. On the off-chance, I win, just add the to what I entered.

Amy said...

I shared this giveaway on Facebook! what a neat giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!!

Walter A said...

tweeted: w.izalt at gmail

Rachel said...

I e-mailed your giveaway post to my Dad. He's a total tech geek and would love to win!

AB Smith said...


Dj said...

Posted on Facebook as well.

Brooke said...

Got your button up on my site and later when my Tweeter decides to work again I will tweet...

DJ SilverFox said...

Posted it to my blog at

Penny said...

Emailed to a friend.

Texdeer {at} yahoo {dot} com

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

I linked you on Facebook! What a wonderful giveaway!

Lindsey Ross said...

Oh wow. Great great idea. I saw this a few months ago and my mouth dropped. I never knew they had one of these. I did a tweet. My Twitter name is (@RetroCherri)

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

tweet tweet:


Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

I just emailed my sisters.. um.. how do I prove that?

Unknown said...

Oh so cool! Thanks Michelle!

Dani H said...

Hi! I just tweeted the giveaway. I am ddh77 on Twitter. Thanks. Dani H

Mommy, I'm Home said...

I tweeted about it at

Rosanne said...

Hi - I also put this on my FB page!

Ann said...

I would love to win to replace our old desktop computer that we, a fmly. of five, are sharing.

brownatural at gmail dot com

Ann said...

I tweeted it:

Andrea Hatfield said...


Robin @ Blommi said...

Dang I just realized I wasn't supposed to put extra entries in the form.

The giveaway button is here:

Robin @ Blommi said...


Robin @ Blommi said...

I emailed a friend

Robin @ Blommi said...

posted it on facebook

Lisa C. said...


A Stable Beginning said...

button is on blog, thanks for the chance to win!!!

Lisa C. said...

Posted on FB

Lisa C. said...

Emailed friend

Serena said...

Wow! This is just about the best giveaway I've ever seen! I blogged it. Thank you, Michelle!

In The Potter's Hand said...

I added your button to my blog.

messyfunmommylife said...

Shared on Twitter @cassieaiden

noyb said...

i added the button to my blog!

Anonymous said...

I shared on Twitter!

judybrittle said...

I tweeted

Carolyn G said...

Have your button

Carolyn G said...


Kidazy said...

I tweeted you!

amysweepstake at

Reva Skie said...

tweeted, thanks

Ann said...

I added the button to my blog.
ann dot guns at mac dot com

JC said...

Button added here.

Mary B said...

Wow - amazing :) Heard about you via Lovewell!

Melissa said...

I added your button to my blog!!!!

Amy @ Amy Loves It! said...


Jenn said...

I put your button up on my blog - what a great givaeway!

JenX said...

Posted on my blog! Pick me, pick me!

Maya said...

Just tweeted this. Would love to win!

annie said...

my blog is seldom updated and even less often read, so i emailed this to a friend. :) thank you!!

Jamie said...

Put a link on Facebook! Thanks!

Gin said...

Emailed to family members!

Mari Mansell

AdriansCrazyLife said...

I just tweeted your giveaway. Sounds like a fabulous prize. Hope I win!

Whitney said...


Jaime said...

i emailed this giveaway to my mother!

Recipes from the Lombard Clan said...

I posted the giveaway on my twitter account and facebook!! Thanks for the second chance to win. Happy THANKSGIVING!

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