2. And not only do they work but I now have Super Glide-Stop Action. You can slam these babies and still they softly come to a halt just before they close and then quietly and oh-so-silently shut. Ha! It feels so luxurious that I just stand there, closing the drawers over and over in exhilaration. You must see the video:
3. No hot chocolate stains on my cabinets. Yes I do love hot chocolate and what's a kitchen without hot chocolate drips speckling the wood work? *Sniff* I'll get over it somehow.
4. I got to pick the color myself. And I actually chose something that wasn't a neutral. I'm a color whimp but this time I wanted BOLD! DARING! DRAMA! And I got it. It's called "Sundried Tomato." Beautiful isn't it? Grace says she can smell tomatoes every time she walks in the room. (That's a good thing).
5. Sleek handle pulls. If a handle pull can be sexy, this one's it. Soft, slightly curved, just beautiful! I can't help but caress it each time I pull a drawer out. Ooooh! The thrill!

7. My Star Trek chandelier. It was here when we moved in and it so didn't fit anything else in the 1970s interior. Let's see . . . rock fireplace . . . vintage cabinets . . . vinyl flooring . . . whacked out sci-fi lighting fixture. But now that the rest of my kitchen looks sleek and modern this oddball decorating detail might actually work. For now at least. It's still rather odd and can shock visitors when lit.
8. My ceiling beam. Before it was just a plain old ugly white beam blocking the view to my ugly florescent light. But now it's an "Architectural Detail" and is beautiful. Hope I didn't go too crazy with my new-found color craze.

10. There aren't mouse holes. I know every home owner wants to be kind our little rodent friends but I've closed the hotel and they can't come in.
11. New insulation. Warmer and toastier for me and my toes. In Alaska that means something.
12. My new pans, knives, mixing bowls and cutting boards. Getting a new kitchen was a good excuse to get new equipment. After 15 years of use the tools were getting a little worn but now I'm back in business.
13. My new induction cook top. Worthy of a whole post. It just doesn't get any cooler than this. Or hotter for that matter. You'll probably be hearing more about this later, I don't think I'll be able to keep quiet about it.
The south Anchorage Lowe's managed the project, with Schuler cabinets (Capistsrano natural maple) and Corian countertops (Platinum). Matt Stotts was the contractor who removed and installed the cabinetry, Alaska Countertops installed the countertops and sink. Best Plumbing hooked up the sink, dishwasher and garbage disposal and last--but by far the coolest--the induction cooktop is by Diva de Provence (model DDP40) and ordered through Allen and Petersen.
Despite a few of my facetious gripes last week (because everyone knows remodeling is a nasty business) overall I've been pleased with all of the contractors and the work that has been done and would recommend these businesses to anyone interested in their own remodel.
Only a few days left for entering May's Write-Away Contest. The topic is travel and there haven't been as many entries as in past months. This means your odds are even better of taking home some Alaskan chocolate so what are you waiting for? The deadline is May 14th.
Technorati tags: Thursday Thirteen, kitchens, remodels, appliances, induction
Simply beautiful!
Those drawers are amazing -- watching them close was like something out of a futuristic movie.
I gotta get me some of those!
I have sink envy!
LOVE the color--what a great change.
I love the colors, very nice.
It really did pull together quickly.
Oh my goodness, Michelle! It is stunning! I love everything about it and am green with jealousy (but OH SO HAPPY for ya!) Enjoy all of those culinary delights!
I am drooling over those drawers. I think I watched that video five times.
I heart everything about that kitchen, especially the color.
Clap, clap,clap.
Those are awesome drawers! My husband and I watched that video over and over! I'm so happy that your kitchen is done! Looks great!
Very cool. I love the colors. What heaven to have all new kitchen tools on top of it all.
I was hoping to see 'before' and 'after' pix! Thanks!
Ah, it was all worth it for those drawers. Beautiful kitchen.
am so jealous - lucky you!
Oh you all are so nice, I wish I could have you over for a great big lunch where we could stuff ourselves with food and watch the drawers close.
If only you were close by!
Enjoy your lovely, new kitchen. It looks great and colour is good. I like the warm wood cabinets.
Kitchens are where we spend so much time and everyone seems to somehow gravitate toward it, so it's well worth all the effort.
Happy cooking!
It's gorgeous! Enjoy!! We've got those no-slam hinges too and I love them.
PS Still trying to find the time to write an essay for the contest. I've got a page full of notes but no time to put them together :(.
Ah, sexy handle pulls and hydraulic drawers? What's not to love in this kitchen I wonder?
Actually, I am seething with envy and will quickly move up the list to coveting your new kitchen.
I should well post about mine sometime. The kitchen in a Dutch house is a wonder to behold!
Congrats on a completed remodel!
(sorry, I pulled my first comment out because I didn't proof it carefully and there were far too many misspellings within it, including the word Dutch. And somehow that kind of mistake just doesn't seem acceptable)
I LOVE IT (and want that space to put an island)! Seriously, it looks amazing. I had a friend over yesterday who is going through the same process and could not be more sick of fast food. :-)
Oh, that's gorgeous! I'm full of envy. :)
Actually, I'd have been full of envy for the old kitchen. I so want a kitchen that's something more than a closet.
That is one sexy kitchen.
Nice job.
And Congratulations...
Yes, the mouse motel was a major reason we decided to remodel. It has made a major difference. That, plus getting a cat. These old farm houses ya know... :)
Congrats on your gorgeous new kitchen. May it inspire you to even greater culinary heights!
It really does look great! I'm glad you survived the remodel.
Congratulations on the new kitchen!
I know when we moved into our new home I wandered my kitchen endlessly. First of all it was BIGGER, had better counter tops...though we will be getting rid of the tile. Clean pretty wood cabinets instead of painted sticky (no matter how you cleaned it), etc...
Love those drawers!!!
I'm so happy for you!! It's like watching HGTV remodeling show, which I love to watch.
Just in time for Mother's Day huh?!
Now, we'll see more recipes coming from your blog then.
You'll love the Corian. I love mine so much I laughed in the faces of anyone who tried to convince me to go granite.
Cook in good health and even better ingredients.
Congratulations; and I am sooo envious.
that is a great kitchen. i love the color..very clean and sleek looking. happy tt
What a gorgeous new kitchen! I love the color, bold can be a good thing.
But that sink....oh my!!! I like Starrlight have sink envy now. Interestinly enough I could definitely use one as my kitchen taps drip.
I don't know how I feel about you closing up the mouse hotel.....lol...j/k!
Beautiful Michelle! And Yes the color is gorgeous!
I'm sorry ladies but anyone who has cause to watch drawers open and close needs to check out perseveration - it's a serious condition and you all appear to have the same failing, maybe it's contagious and we've all be infected.
So saying, I'll happily nip over for a tutorial 'how to shut a drawer 101.'
Ooh, I love it! And I've never seen drawers like that. Might save some smashed fingers in homes where there are little ones.
So happy for you -- something you definitely deserve after the re-model. The counter tops are beautiful -- everything looks so fresh. Good for you.
Michelle. I. Am. Drooling. I'm not even joking.
I hate you.
I'll add my sins to yours.
Oh, question about Corian: can you put hot things on it or do you need a hot pad? Because that's like the only thing I like about my 1987 "suede" tile countertops.
Jordan--it's not a good idea to put hot stuff on it, it can take the heat but it's a matter of area. If only one small area heats (as with setting a hot pan on it) then only that area will expand and you run the danger of developing cracks.
However, I do like that if you get scratches they can be buffed out easily. Corian is DuPont's version of the product but Lowe's also carries Hi-Max, another version which (I've been told) is identical in everything but warranty. In Anchorage Alaska Countertops installs the Corian but others can install Hi-Max. Lowe's told me the warranty wasn't as good as with Corian but it's 15 years, which is still pretty good. It's significantly cheaper (say $600-700 for my kitchen).
What I'd like to see is some concrete. That's the latest rage and it's cheap for materials but expensive for labor. I've heard it's amazingly beautiful but I haven't seen a kitchen with it yet.
Never be ashamed of color, we aren't. Of course, you already knew that.
GORGEOUS new kitchen! I"m so envious - so gonna have some of those drawers of my own someday!
I have those drawers too, and they're just great. I was ridiculously igddy when I first saw them and I still am now.
Youre kitchen it a bit like mine with lots of soft wood all around. Very Feung Shui. I'm jealous of the color coordination - maroon and wood. Very clever. Very exquisite.
Great looking kitchen! But can the kids still skate in there?
Wow your new kitchen sounds (and looks) fantastic! I would love to have those drawers and that cooktop too.
It's GORGEOUS! Congratulations.
Absolutely beautiful!!
Congrats on the new kitchen! I am impressed you survived. One of these days I will have a lovely kitchen, too - one where I can have the dishwasher and fridge open at the same time! Oh, the joys of apartment student living.
Heck...I'd take your old kitchen. Its nicer than the one I have.
My sister and her husband just redid their kitchen, and they spent enough on it to get a brand new car! I decided after that that my kitchen would do for me.
Ok, being a Trekkie nerd, I simply must see this Star Trek light fixture. Post a picture, if you can!
I have two words for you: gor-geous!!
I've always wanted one of those little islands in the middle of the kitchen. Do you use yours a lot?
Beautiful kitchen!
What a great kitchen, I love the colors! Hope you can visit my TT!
I LOVE those drawers! Now I want some!
I love your new kitchen its gorgeous. The color is great, I can't wait till we buy a house again so I can paint. These white walls are making me nutty.
gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.
i so long for one of those kitchen islands.
I realized when I posted the "before" picture that the kitchen looks pretty darn good. It might make one wonder why I'd want a remodel but that's the thing about it. It looks good from a distance, then you get up close and realize the cabinets are vintage, original, 1978 particle board where the dark finish is peeking through the white paint that had been used to cover them 15 years ago. They're pretty nasty things, you'll just have to take my word on it. There were holes in the backs of them so that you could drop something and have it fall through the hole and down into our crawlspace below.
And yes, Kailani I use the island all the time, it's the center of everything.
I finally got the cooktop actually hooked up tonight (it wasn't wired in when I took that picture) and first thing I did was boil a small pot of water. The thing was amazing, it was instant heat. Came to a boil in under a minute and reacts the second you touch the controls.
I'll have to take a picture of the light fixture. I didn't think I could get a very good picture of it so I didn't take one but maybe I'll have to try it anyway.
So happy for you! No more washing the dishes in the bathroom! LOL
I'm getting on my entry. How can it be May 11 already?!
Your new kitchen is gorgeous! Happy cooking!
Awesome kitchen! Now we wanna see more of what you cook in there. :) Really, the kitchen is beautiful! I'm in the process of remodeling mine but it's a very slow process. It's taking me forever, partially because I have to paint everything with Kilz before repainting it! Anyway, love your kitchen! Enjoy it. :)
beautiful :)
i can't wait to have my kitchen done. i got a kitchen contractor in new york to do the job for me. wish me luck!
It's really cool.
I am little bit in jealous because i don't have kitchen like yours. Ahhh!
Nice blog and really beautiful kitchen.
Good Day
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