Wednesday, February 06, 2008

In Case I've Forgotten

Christmas BookmarksFor Christmas David made me a series of bookmarks (one wasn't enough) and these are the first two. Apparently he's worried that the Alzheimer's has already set in and that I need a reminder. Maybe I should get him to make up a tag with my name, phone number and address to wear safety pinned to my coat.

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Loralee Choate said...

I just sprayed Diet Coke all over my monitor with the "37 is a good number!!!!"

HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!

(Seriously, wiping tears away...)

Joyful Days said...

You are still young. I vaguely remember 37. Sort of.

mod*mom said...

that's sweet! i wonder what he'll come up with next :)

Jonara Blu Maui said...

These are adorable! I think I need some..I'm gonna be 40 this year :(

my4kids said...

Love the "37 is a good number" like he is trying to convince you or something. My kids just tell me I'm old......and I'm only 32...well really I'm 29 again but who's counting...

Anonymous said...

Two for the price of one? Personally, 37 IS a great age! You've got a little haven't hit the big 4-0...yep, I'd go back to it in a skinny minute if I could (and to the body I had then!).

:) smiles....lots of 'em.

Anonymous said...

So cute! Don't you just love little boys??

Anonymous said...

I hit the big 37 in June, but I'm guessing my "kids" won't do much to mark the occasion!

And those are pretty darned cute!

luvmy4sons said...

37! Still so young. Hang on to the tags though. Be sure to have him update them yearly! LOL! At 44...sometimes I truly have forgotten how old I am. I think I just don't want to remember!

Chrisbookarama said...

He's very reassuring: 37 is a GOOD number. lol

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday..!

Lauri said...

Very cute. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!!

37 is so young!! You're just a Spring Chick!

Tell hubby thanks for the giggles!

Carina said...

Makes you wonder what we did to our mothers, back in the day.

I know I used to make my mom "quesadillas" out of chocolate, marshmallows and whatever else in a flour tortilla. (Microwaved) She was pregnant and morning sick at the time. Oops.

The Source said...

You never know when your mind is just gonna go! Especially at the advanced age of 37. (The age I will be joining you at in just a few days.) Those bookmarks will certainly come in handy when the dementia finally sets in.

Allysha said...

that's priceless!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...."37 is a good number". At least no one said "37 is a good indication that you are well past your prime. Could I interest you in come Depends and perhaps some bifocals?"
My son asked me how old I was. I told him 35. He said "THAT IS SOOO OLD!"

Deb said...

Aww, how sweet!

I happen to agree that 37 is a good number... :)

Marie N. said...

Happy birthday!

When I was little I could not believe that my mom would forget how old she was. Now that is the boat I'm in. Last year I thought I was 39. This year I really am.

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest ever.

Anonymous said...

Is he trying to talk you into it??

Theresa said...

That is the single funniest thing I have seen today, and I've been looking for funny all the live long day. As for ageheimers, just wait until you hit 38. You ain't seen nothing yet, sister!

Sheila said...

You have a funny hubby! My oldest son knows how old I am and I don't like it. Let's just say I'm a few years older than you.

Pieces said...

That time will come, my friend. It'll come.

My daughter loves to walk around talking about my age. It is kind of a good thing--otherwise I have to do the math because I never can remember.

Janet said...

I dimly remember 37. Fondly I think. I'm 45 but I don't usually feel old - it's hard to feel old when you're chasing 2 toddlers. Then at my annual (well, supposedly) physical last month the nurse asked me if I was still having periods. And I'm pretty sure that "yes" was not the answer she was looking for.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Still cracking up. :)
And 37 is a good number!

luckyzmom said...

How sweet!

Halfmad said...

Ha ha ha!! That is so hilarious. When I was a kid, my older sister (she was a teen) had myself and another sister take out those "happy mother's day" ads in the paper. My mom's birthday is right around mother's day, so we made ours into birthday greetings (note: my mom had me when she was 41). So my ad said, IN THE PAPER, "Today you will be 49! Make it happy!" My mom about died. -Mary T (Shelterrific